Institut Ramon LLull

17th International Colloquium of the North American Catalan Society 


The North American Catalan Society or NACS is a professional association that joins researchers, students and people in general, especially in the United States and Canada, that show or have interest in any aspect of culture from the Catalan Countries and the Catalan language (literature, linguistics, arts, history and philosophy, amongst others). It was founded in 1978, during the First Colloquium of Catalan Studies in North America, that took place at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, and that was promoted by Josep Roca i Pons. The NACS is devoted to fostering studies about the Catalan language and its culture in the academic areas of North America.


(revised March 30, 2019)





Dijous, 25 d’abril



8:00-9:00                              REGISTRATION AND WELCOME





Reframing Medieval Catalan Literature, Language, and Discourse

Albert Lloret (University of Massachusetts Amherst), “Literatura catalana medieval i teoria del text”

Núria Silleras-Fernández (University of Colorado, Boulder), “Polítiques Culturals: Llengua, Comunitats intel·lectuals i Identitat a la Corona d’Aragó”

Leonardo Francalanci (University of Notre Dame), “Entre el mite i la realitat: apunts per a una lectura medievalista dels nacionalismes ibèrics”

Vicente Lledó-Guillem (Hofstra University), “The Middle Ages in the Codification of the Catalan Language by Pompeu Fabra”


Crossing Arts: Intermediality in Twentieth First Century Catalan and Valencian Visual Arts

Sharon Keefe Ugalde (Texas State University), “A twentieth-first century Ophelia: Manuel Molins’ Una altra Ofelia”

Silvia Colás Cardona (University of Victoria), “Interseccions entre Barcelona i L’Havana: les construccions de l’espai urbà de José Luis Guerín i Carlos Garaicoa”

Anna Casas Aguilar (University of British Columbia), “Una estètica contra el turista: cinema i fotografia documental als mitjans audiovisuals catalans”

Remei Capdevila Werning (Oberlin College), “Renegotiating Globality: Catalan Architecture in a Transnational Context”




11:00-11:30         Coffee break





Gender, Genre, and Erotism in Fiction

Katerina Santiesteban (University of Colorado Boulder), “The Evolution of the Valencian Don Juan in Vicent Peydró’s Don Juan Treneta (1899) and José Luis Alcaraz’s Les conquistes de Don Juan (1917)”

William Viestenz (University of Minnesota), “Erotism, Communication, and Death in Blai Bonet’s El Mar

Teresa Greppi (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), “‘Pueden venir otras especies, pero es solo para hembras’: Lesbian Liberation and Exclusion in Isabel Franc’s Fabulario Les (2008)”


Landscapes, Art, and Memory

Robert Davidson (University of Toronto), “Literature’s Residue and the Catalan Landscape in Van der Vliet Oloomi’s Call Me Zebra (2018)”

Fabrice Corrons (Université de Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès), “Reflexions sobre les representacions artístiques de les terres de l’Ebre al segle XXI”

Alícia Hernàndez Grande (Northwestern University), “Manresa’s Stolpersteins: “Historical Memory”, the Holocaust, and the Cityscape”




13:00-14:30         LUNCH



14:30-15:30         FILM


                                Maria Rosa (Cecil B. DeMille, 1916)




15:30-16:00         Coffee break



16:00-17:30         PLENÀRIA I                        


Sharon Feldman (University of Richmond)

“From Barcelona to Broadway and the Silver Screen: Àngel Guimerà in America”




17:30-19:00         RECEPTION







Divendres 26 d’abril



8:00-9:00                              BREAKFAST





Estratègies, espais i òrgans d’institucionalització de la literatura catalana contemporània

Eloi Grasset (University of California, Santa Barbara), “La tradició en disputa. Dos gestos antagònics en el procés de reinstitucionalizació de la cultura catalana (1959-1975)”

Jaume Subirana (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), “Commemoratisme o febre centenària. La celebració institucional dels ”anys” d’escriptors”

Thomas Harrington (Trinity College), “Explaining Catalonia: Might it Be Time to Start Strengthening  the Trans-Atlantic Perspective?”


Catalans and Catalan Culture in the Americas

Javier Krauel (University of Colorado Boulder), “Travel and Conflict: Eugeni d’Ors in Argentina”

Adam Singh (Indiana University), “Welcoming an Unexpected Guest: Hospitality and Cosmopolitanism in Pere Calders’ “Una curiositat americana”


Visual Arts in a Catalan Context

Carles Ferrando Valero (University of California, Merced), “The Tactile Eye: Haptic Vision in the Young Salvador Dalí”

Claudia González Caparrós (Indiana University), “El sentit emmarcat. Una aproximació a l’obra de Perejaume des de la perspectiva de la hermenèutica a la globalització”

Katryn Evinson (Columbia University), “L’artivisme i els límits del llaç social en l’obra de Núria Güell”


Catalonia Today: Self-Government and Political Conflict I

Nathan A. Douglas (Indiana University), “To Speak Out, Before the Law: Una ‘Via [no] administrativa’”

Carles Ferreira Torres (Universitat de Girona), “The declaration of independence and the imposition of direct rule: how did we get there?”

Mireia Toda Cosi (University of Maryland), “The Discourse around the 1st of October Vote in Catalonia: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Newspapers’ Bias”




10:30-11:00         Coffee break





Medieval Catalan Literature: Identity, Classicism, and Sentimentalism

Rebeca Orellana-Capriles (University of Colorado, Boulder), “Dom Pedro de Portugal: A Case of Pan-Iberian Identity”

Montserrat Piera (Temple University), “«Sabia molt bé tot lo Virgili»: La transformació dels clàssics a Curial e Güelfa

Miguel-Prendes, Sol (Wake Forest University), “«A True and Binding Law to Indulge a Friend»: Francesc Alegre’s Somni


Grotesque Aesthetic and Identity in Catalan Theater and Television

Elizabeth Warren (University of California, Los Angeles), “The Esperpento Aesthetic of Els Joglars’s Ubú President o els últims dies de Pompeia

David George (Bates College), “Dagoll Dagom Made for TV: Transition and Transmediality in Antaviana, Glups! and The Mikado

Elena Cueto Asín (Bowdoin College), “Constructing Heritage from Anarchist-Bourgeois Romances: Ull per ull


Memòria i postmemòria de la guerra civil i l’exili (1939-2019) I

Lourdes Manyé (Furnam University), “La memòria heretada: silencis i absències en la transmissió transgeneracional de l’experiència de la guerra civil i l’exili”

Mario Santana (University of Chicago), “Memòria democràtica i novel·la”

Maria Dasca (Harvard University), “The Location of the Memory of the Spanish Civil War in a Literary in-between Space: The Novels of Francesc Serés”


Poetry, Politics, and Identity

Júlia Català (Universitat de Barcelona), “Del Llibre d’amic als Cants d’Abelone: identitat escindida i androgínia literària en el díptic neomístic de Joan Vinyoli”

Vicent Salvador (Universitat Jaume I), “La poesia de Miguel Hernández i Vicent Andrés Estellés: Compromís social, conflictes polítics, identitats literàries”

Edgar Illas (Indiana University), “Perplexity, Global Disorder, Catalonia and Albert Garcia Elena’s poetry”




12:30-14:00         LUNCH





Modern Musics in Catalonia

Rachel Mitchell (U Texas Rio Grande Valley), “A Cosmopolitan Serialism: Tracing the Evolution of a Compositional Method through the Writings of Catalan Composer Roberto Gerhard”

Antoni Pizà (CUNY), “«Usual for Spain, unusual for us»: John Cage and Merce Cunningham’s 1966 First Performance in Spain”

Richard Scott Cohen (Ferris State University), “The Community Band Movement in Valencia Spain: A 25-Year Update on Its Evolution and Impact on Society”


Glotopolitics: Catalan Language, Politics, and Ideology

Elga Cremades (University of Chicago), “A tool for improving the studies on Catalan: the Catalan Corpus Learner”

Amanda Ulldemolins Subirats (Georgetown University), “Què comporta tindre dos acadèmies lingüístiques?”

Michel Martínez (Université Toulouse 1 Capitole), “Franja de Ponent o Franja oriental d’Aragó? Aragó catalanòfon? Un territori de fronteres, invertebrat i perifèric”


Memòria i postmemòria de la guerra civil i l’exili (1939-2019) II

Emily DiFilippo (Loras College), “‘Tots soms diferents’: Catalan Representations of Disability in the Francoist Period”

Judy-Ann Desrosiers (Université de Montréal), “Memoir of the Spanish Civil War: The Political Engagement of Roberto Gerhard in his ballet Pandora

Robert Casas Roigé (Hood College), “Espeleologia i resistències de la memòria conflictiva al documental Por al cel (2015, Baiget i Trill)”


Creating New Identities

Juan Herrero-Senés (University of Colorado Boulder), “Conflict mirroring and defacement in Joaquim M. de Nadal’s El llamp blau

Rosi Song (Bryn Mawr College), “Regenerating Catalan Culinary Identity”

Isaias Fanlo (University of Chicago), “Tot alterant l’alteritat. La qüestió racial a l’escena catalana contemporània: debats, polèmiques i respostes”




15:30-16:00         Coffee break




16:00-17:30        PLENÀRIA II


                Peter A. Kraus (Universität Augsburg)

                                “A REPUBLIC, IF YOU CAN GET IT”




17:30-19:00         RECEPTION


                NACS 2019 PRIZE AWARD CEREMONY










Dissabte 27 d’abril



8:00-9:00                              BREAKFAST





Translating, Publishing, and Preserving Catalan Culture

Laura Vilardell (Northern Illinois University), “Joan Gili i Serra, editor i traductor a la Gran Bretanya (1936-1996): balanç i valoració”

Marc Pomerleau (Université de Montréal), “Multilingual Translation as a Political Strategy in Catalonia”

Francesc Parcerisas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), “La Biblioteca de Cultura Catalana”


Memòria i postmemòria de la guerra civil i l’exili (1939-2019) III

Carles Cortés (Universitat d’Alacant), “El sentiment de l’exiliat en la literatura de Xavier Benguerel”

Maria Moreno Domènech (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), “In Dialogue: Aesthetics of the Conflict in Uncertain Glory and Winds of the Night

David Colbert (The University of the South, Sewanee), “Killing Franco, Losing Catalonia”


Catalonia Today: Self-Government and Political Conflict II

Agnès Toda i Bonet (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), “Catalunya ahir i avui: presó o exili”

Robert Vann (Western Michigan University), “The Generation of 1995 in the past, present, and future of Catalonia”


Mediation and Space in Fiction and Art

Collin Diver (University of Minnesota), “Bare Life at Home, Bare Life Abroad: Venjaré la teva mort through Local and Global Biopolitics”

Susana Pérez Pàmies (University of Colorado Boulder), “El metamodernisme a También esto pasará de Milena Busquets”

Isabel Marcillas (Universitat d’Alacant), “Veus de frontera: identitats transculturals?”




10:30-11:00         Coffee break






Talking About and Around Ramon Lull: Medieval and Early Modern Catalan Literature

Henry Berlin (University at Buffalo, SUNY), “The Lyrical Logic of Ramon Llull”

Noel Blanco Mourelle (College of William & Mary), “A Doctrine for Laypeople”


Memory Archives: Art, Gender, Ideology

Anton Pujol (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), “Ros Ribas: The Lensing of Catalan Theatrical Memory”

Olga Sendra Ferrer (Wesleyan University), “(Un)dressing Women’s Bodies: Male Eye, Female Body in Catalan Fashion Photography during the Franco Dictatorship”

Michael Vargas (State University of New York at New Paltz), “Catalan Collective Memory: An Assessment of Potentials and Threats”


Crossroads: Routes of Slavery and Migration

Aurélie Vialette (Stony Brook University), “Entrepreneurs Rule the World: Slave Trader Networks in the Philippines”

Laura Menéndez i Gorina (Stanford University), “Bodies in Transit: Mapping from Catalunya a Transatlantic Trade”

Loredana Comparone, “Catalan Documentary at the Mediterranean Crossroads”


Revisiting Nineteenth Century Conflicts

Luis R. Corteguera (University of Kansas), “La Guerra dels Segadors and the Romantic Aesthetic of Conflict”

Jordi Olivar (Auburn University), “Via Fora: Catalonia and the American National Ethos in Rossend Arús’s Cartas á la Dona (1876-1877)”

Nicholas Wolters (Wake Forest University), “Proletarians and Priests: Reframing Bourgeois in Oller and Galdós”




12:30-14:00         LUNCH



14:00-15:30         ASSEMBLEA NACS




15:30-16:00         Coffee break




16:00-17:30         PLENÀRIA III


                Helena Buffery (University College Cork)

“Translation and the Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma on the Contemporary Catalan Stage”




17:30-19:00         CONCERT






19:00-21:00         BANQUET

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